[hider=General] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/4817262/large.jpg[/img] [i][b]Name: [/b][/i] Julio [i][b]Race:[/b][/i] Half-Angel [i][b]Gender: [/b][/i] Androgynous - Male [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] Unknown [i][b]Occupation:[/b][/i] Wandering Herbalist [i][b]Personality/Interests:[/b][/i] Julio is an interesting character who doesn't like talking much and is most of the time a silent companion to those who accompany him. He is seen as a curious person and likes learning new things that he haven't seen or have done before. With his curiosity, he is surprisingly smart with what he learns from his questions that he asks and he curious nature allows him to understand new topics with some difficulty if shown by someone. His generally outlook on life is that everything is to be considered as half-empty. However, he does take his time to help when he can and in his power but he wont go off giving his life for a lost cause. While also being good, he is also uninhibited to doing tasks that may be considered 'bad' but he also has a limit of what he can do before saying no. [/hider] [hider=Details] [i][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/i] 4'5(54cm) in Height and 80 lbs in Weight [i][b]Notable Features:[/b][/i] Disguised cleverly with his own clothing, Julio's wings are confused among the wings that his clothing too adorn on it which makes it difficult to spot which is real. However with his clothing on, he seems to be more like an avian-like creature than angel. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] Armor/Clothing: Julio's unique clothing allows him to descend slower if he is falling and allows him glide around if he cannot use his wings in the air. The clothing never seems dirty most of the time, and is near mint condition whenever it is seen. Although it provides little defense, its more for comfort than anything else as the materials used for this seems to be priced quite high. Satchel: Julio's satchel that he carries around him are basic supplies that he carries around when he is wandering outside the towns and cities. He often has various kinds of plants along with whatever he has inside the satchel, as he most of the time finds plants usable for such uses. Gloves: Magically enchanted gloves to help protect the wearer's hand from damage and that has enhanced amount durability and insulation, usually used by Julio for picking through thorny brushes and handling sharp or hot objects. Great for baking if ever used in that way, as its perfect for that kind of use. Scarf: Julio's scarf is a gift given to him by a priest that was more or less an a award for completing the request that the priest had. The scarf has the weak ability to control magic along with warding away malicious kind of magic away from him. [/hider] [hider=Uniqueness] [i][b]Powers:[/b][/i] Magically Natural: Julio is talented in using the magical arts that he has in his disposal without much training, as he is a natural. Being able to preform more difficult techniques than regular and simply being able to do more simply by being talented. He has more control over the magical arts and can finely control them if he spends enough time honing his abilities. [i][b]Abilities:[/b][/i] Flight: Julio is bestowed with the ability to fly by the use of his wings that he has from his angelic heritage. He is an experienced flyer and can maneuver quite well however he prefers not to fly in combat for obvious reasons. Innocent Aura: Also part of his angelic heritage, angels often bring the presence of calm, tranquility and peace to them when they appear. This also includes Julio to a lesser degree, as his presence brings as odd feeling of innocence around him. [i][b]Talents[/b][/i] Tactician: His curiosity in the world has allowed him to further thing on in combat, and predict what would most likely happen in the fight. Using what data he has from his surroundings, he will react to it as best as he can with what he has. His predictions are generally accurate however, they slip up often as well due to his limited time to analyze his opponents. These predictions are a toll on his mind, due to the amount of effort required to calculate the variables so it is stressful to use in a long fight. Self-Educated Herbalist: Julio's curiosity gets him into trouble sometimes, however sometimes it benefits him greatly as he learns through the questions that he ask. Which usually means that he is taught a new subject, in which he catches on relatively quickly which little difficulty. Herbology being one of the areas that he accelerated in quickly, without much help or guidance. Over the learning about many things he was actually considered to be considered an skilled individual in the art of herbology however, he often has different techniques then what they officially use. [i][b]Magic[/b][/i] Barrier Magic: Julio is a user of barrier magic, being able to put up walls to defend against attacks of both physical and magical in nature. His main purpose is to minimize damage and protect vital points of the party so nothing breaks apart when striked at a vital point. He is an adept user of his branch of magic as he can defend several people at once with some difficulty. Portal Magic: An extension of barrier magic, Julio is able to create a portal which transfers something to a different point. It can be used to redirect an attack back to the origin, or escape to safety by traveling through it or simply making something disappear by pushing it through the portal. It is difficult to use and takes some concentration to use, however is limited to how big the portal can be maxing out to the size of a hot tub. [/hider] (([s]FOURTH AGAIN >0<)[/s]) ((omgurd im fifth?))