[quote=Drakel] but still the teams are rather unbalanced... Though if we're doing something like all three teams in the same mission doing different things than the best team mix would be 1: (Civilian protection) KF, Geb&Druid, Amani 2: (Combat) Superboy, Sayaka/Rachel, Ember, My character 3: (Recon & Stealth) Batgirl, Marcus & Rachel/Sayaka Since these groups are more focused in individual tasks that they would be given... Though If we're not going to focus on tasks than it'll probably be best if we split the teams up as evenly in power as possible so that they could take care of certain types of situations with more ease as a team than they would if we didn't divide them evenly by their class type. [/quote] I tried my best... :( Regardless... Let's try to make it a little more evened out. Besides we're not facing any major super villains so we don't need a whole team of bruisers. Keep in mind Decisions made will most likely effect the mission at Cart and my call and we'll probably be PMing about it.