She shook her head,when he hit the couch "You don't have to arrest him.... He isn't going to take me out anymore.... But that isn't going to stop me," She looked at him, "I'm done with being that scared little girl from the Northern Water Tribe... I thought you were going to help me stop being her but you were sheltering me just like my parents were. You're even making choices for me!" He got up as She threw the cloth she held onto the counter, before he could "I'm going to continue to go out and if I get caught, so be it... But I am done being seen as some pathetic little girl who needs to be protected," she walked over to her room, "Dinner is on the stove," she said softly before stepping into her room and slamming the door. He ran his hand through his hair and growled. He walked over to her door and said " Nyima! He got close to the door. "I am trying to help you. Nyima. But just jumping out there in the deep end is not the best idea. I'm helping you become independent but it takes TIME. It's different when I'm trying to protect you from Death and the ability to become an independent woman than marrying you off to a guy. And the fact you were with Matsen who is NOT the greatest at covering his tracts and almost got caught twice last year. So FORGIVE ME if I as pissed when he took you out when I told him not too, I don't want you hurt. So my "choices"for you are a little different than ruining your life."