[hider=Theme] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rkrPljo-8M[/url] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Rouen Fulgur [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b]27 [b]Occupation:[/b] Knight of a Dukedom [img]http://i.imgur.com/2oooTzc.png?1[/img] [b]Personality/Interests[/b] Rouen is reputed as one of the best knights of the Duke’s court. Soft-tempered but willing to stand up for himself, he also seems to be the only one who takes his knightly duties seriously compared to his comrades who are content with carousing with the local nobles and courtiers. He is diligent and quests on a daily basis seeking to cure the ills that trouble the local villages, often involving some “monster”. Rouen is a prideful individual and is prone to getting defensive. He is a strong believer of personal merit and responsibility. With the number of accomplishments and accolades awarded to him it is no surprise that he thinks a little big of himself. He is deeply proud of being human. Human Civilization to him represents the pinnacle of civilization, and believes that it'a rigid orderly social structure is a gift that all races must accept, whether through force or coercion. He is also critical of others and has no issues with actively calling them out if he believes they are in the wrong. As a proponent for human civilization, this includes vagabonds, beggars, and squatters. Rouen believes that social order is built by individual work and effort for the collective good, so he thinks people who do nothing but louse around are parasites. Rouen is what you could call a field soldier. He is focused on the battlefield and diligently trains to maintain his swordsmanship and fighting skills. However, off the battlefield he can be lazy, especially with mundane but still-important tasks such as cooking, cleaning one’s room, or keeping track of personal items. He believes that such tasks are for those beneath his station. Interest: Rouen has sought and received royal permission to find and understand how to defeat the Remnants, one of which have been plagueing the Duke's land. With a lone horse and his messily assembled pack he has followed a trail of rumors and gossip leading him to the Blue Moon Tavern. [b]Appearance Details[/b] [b]Body Build:[/b] Bulky and muscled, but the muscles themselves aren’t heavily defined. (You won’t see six-pack abs) [b]Hair:[/b] Brown and disheveled above his shoulders [b]Skin Color:[/b] Tan [b]Eye/Iris Color:[/b] Emerald [b]Height:[/b] 6’4 [b]Weight:[/b] 200lb [b]Notable Features:[/b] A massive steel shoulderplate on his right side that doubles as a shield and a makeshift ram. His left arm is heavily scarred from an encounter with a remnant. He also maintains a very roughly-groomed mustache. [b]Clothing Description[/b] Rouen wears a traveler’s garb made of a combination of wool, cotton, and leather clothing. [b]Hands:[/b] Brown Leather Gloves [b]Torso:[/b] A leather jerkin. He also wears a massive metal steel shoulderplate on his right side. Underneath he wears a wool shirt and a white cotton undershirt. [b]Waist:[/b] A belt with several pouches full of painkilling tonic in metal bottles [b]Legs: [/b]Brown Wool Pants [b]Feet:[/b] Black Leather boots [b]Weapon[/b] A massive steel greatsword that is four feet long [b]Powers[/b] Like all members of the Fulgur dynasty, Rouen has inherited their unique trait of being able to generate a strong electric current through their bodies. Where and how this trait has exactly come from is unknown, but some of the more zealous members of his family believe it to be a gift from the Sky God. With practice he has been to control it so that he can just focus a current from his hand and through his sword. This means each of his sword strikes not only delivers a punishing physical blow, but they give the recipient a large dose of electricity. Many foes have parried or blocked Rouen’s blade only to be literally shocked and subsequently paralyzed by the impact. [b]Abilities[/b] The physical training of a Knight and his tall stature means Rouen has much greater strength than the average human. [b]Talents[/b] Hack and Slash Swordsmanship, knows how to read and write in the common language, capable of basic fieldcraft [b]Magic[/b] Rouen has no magical training [hider=Impressions] [b]Sessamaru[/b] I wonder what race he hails from. [b]Historia Servante[/b] A winged human, she would do well with the right upbringing. And education. [b]Saha Thulaja Era[/b] I’ve heard tales of the mer. Savage Snake-like folk guised as humans that thrive in the seas. My eyes only confirm what the tales speak. [b]Katelia[/b] An example of what happens with the wrong rearing and upbringing. [b]Julio[/b] A winged fay? Maybe he is less savage than his grounded kin. [b]Azzrix[/b] Ugh, talking vermin. Hope he doesn’t carry the plague. [b]Margaret von Eisenberg[/b] A Northman. I wonder where and how did she master the arts of the fay? [b]Naida Marcoon[/b] An exemplar of what the other races should strive for. Civilized and serves good drink to boot. [b]Drubbins[/b] His strength could be used for greater purposes than monetary gain. [b]Mysaren-Fairy[/b] Stealing and Sacrilege, this one will be brought to heel [b]Tahira Raske[/b] Another mystic and practitioner. I only wonder how she could afford such exotic clothes. [b]Rimau-Ekoy-Timau-Dasku[/b] Disgusting creature, yet I could see a use for him in the city. Maybe Dredgework? [b]Claire Alexandria[/b] She looks good with the blade. The army could use her skills. [b]Viggo Malmsteem[/b] I should invite him to the Dukedom. He would be an excellent entertainer for the court. [b]Felan the Wolf[/b] Feh, another sheepherder. [/hider]