Re-made and hopefully it's improved :) [center] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Basoth Geiunt [b]Alias:[/b] Dissipo [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]Personality:[/b] Basoth is an adventurous Teenager, He is new to the earth and doesn't understand the 'rituals' and events that go on in a human life. Although quite confused about humans he still wants to learn as much as he can about them. He finds himself as funny person, but his jokes are not amusing to those not from his world. He is a cheerful person when in and out of combat, He thinks that if a battle is not joyful than there is no point battling [b]Powers: [/b] Dissipo has the ability to deconstruct him self into small blocks and then resemble himself into any object, For example he could use this power to reconstruct himself into a larger form to give himself more strength, or change into a Remote control helicopter to move from place to place faster, He could also Change his lower arm into a melee weapon, or he could deconstruct himself into the blocks to fit through a very small space. He can't create anything that he hasn't seen before, neither can he recreate animals. [b]Weakness:[/b] The fact that he is able to change form is due to the electrical charge that the Corrian species is given from birth, So when he becomes soaked in water he will be unable to reassemble or deconstruct himself. When he is changing a large portion of his body it takes a lot of energy, For example if he was to try and make a car he would pass out. He is mainly a Close quarters combatant so vulnerable to long range attacks [b]Bio:[/b] Dissipo was born on a planet named Avalon in the Arthurian System, An Earth-like planet that his species, the Corrians, had inhabited. The Corrians are raised quickly when in childhood, as soon as they are old enough they are sent out to colonize a designated world, if they are not chosen for colonization they are selected as workers, using their abilities to build, create, and if needed fight. Dissipo had been chosen as a Worker but did not find his work was satisfying he could only do commbat training a limited amount of times. He stole a small freighter and inputted random co-ordinates he went into stasis for 4 years until he arrived at his destination Earth. Once he reached orbit his engine failed. and he was sent plummeting towards the earth. When he crash landed he discovered the human race and ever since has been learning about them. At first he was a little shocked, but the more he learnt about this race the more he wanted stay, eventually he made his decision to destroy his ship and stay on earth. [b]Arc Ideas:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Titans forever [/center]