Nyima looked at the door when he spoke from the other side. Standing in the middle of her room, she didn't know what to do. To scream, to shout, to cry, to laugh, to not say or do anything, to just stand there and stare the door. After a moment of silence, she walked over to the door. She left it closed, not wanting him to see the tear accumulating her eyes and moving her back to the scared little girl. She leaned against the door, pressing her forehead to it before she spoke, "For once.... In my life, someone trusted me with something people would say I was too weak for or to young or incapable of..... You taught me that I can protect myself... But with you it was always just self defense. Matsen was teaching me to take a stand... I didn't choose to do what I've been doing because I found out about Matsen...... I choose the night you told me what they had done to your family. If I stop... what would the point of growing into an independent woman be? To fear what happened that night on the docks will repeat itself? To avoid walking home alone at night? To always have to be ready to be attacked when I'm just trying to get home? That doesn't sound like a life worth living...." She sniffled and sighed, leaning against the door, "I'm going to get hurt some days... But I want to choose why..."