Name: River Corner Alias: Snow Star Age: 16 Personality: River is a fun loving person. She loves to mess around. She tends to go with the flow and does not care what someone does as long as it isn’t dangerous. She is extremely loyal to whoever her leader is and tends to be more of a follower than a leader. She is not afraid to speak her mind. She is very patient when it comes to anger but during a fight, her fuse is about the size of a fingernail. She hates being called “Girl” or being called “girly”. She also hates it when people just call her “Star” without the “Snow” (You’ll see why when you read her powers). Powers: River is what most would call a “water bender”. She can manipulate water to her will, freeze it and heat it up as well. She can turn rain to snow with just a touch of her finger to a raindrop. She can also speak underwater and is able to breath under water for a limited amount of time and move underwater better than most people. She can create air bubbles for those on her team who can’t. She cannot talk to fish and there is a limit to how much water that she can hold at a time. She also has a naturally cold body, so she doesn't feel heat unless it's burning heat. Weakness: As it would seem, her weakness is fire, but not for the reason that most people would think. (the explanation is in her bio). She is also weak when it comes to people hurting those that she cares about. Appearance: [hider=Snow Star (So Costume)][img][/img][/hider] [hider=River Corner (Civillian)][img][/img] She still has white hair though[/hider] Bio: River grew up in a small little cottage just outside of Jump City. Her parents mostly lived off the forest that they lived in while her and her four older brothers would run around and play. She loved to go down to the lake and swim in it or play water games with her brothers. They would help their parents by carrying water back up from the lake and watering the plants that they always kept. River’s powers developed earlier and it mostly started out as her being able to move water and manipulate it, like turning it into a ball. She kept it a secret from her family and everything was fine. Until she turned thirteen. On the night of her thirteenth birthday, it was a very cold night. Her mother had turned the heater way up and it was toasty in the house. River woke up, coughing on smoke and ash and she realized that the house was on fire. She grabbed her small dog and woke up as many of her brothers as she could, which happened to be only two. The brothers took her outside and then went back in for her parents and her other brothers. They never came back out. She had to use her powers to soak the fire and get it out before she ran back inside, looking for her parents. In the lower level of the cottage, she found her mother and father, dead from carbon monoxide. She then walked into the kitchen and saw her youngest brother and second oldest trapped under a fallen, burning log. The log had broken both their backs. She then heard noise and whipped around to see her oldest brother carrying her second youngest brother in his arms. The second youngest was dead from carbon monoxide. After that fateful night, her brother found out about her powers, but he didn’t care. Both of them moved into Jump City, and her brother wound up taking two jobs. He raised her as she practiced her powers more and more. One night, though, he never came home from his second job. It turns out, though, that he was shot point blank in the back of the head from a robbery at the bank where he worked. This was only two months ago. She now fights crime as a way to avenge her brother’s death and she poses as something the opposite of fire, as a way of remembering her family as they once were. Arc Ideas: I feel like you need to have a solid, stationary (either NPC or PC) villain that is against what is going with us. Other: Titans Forever!! :)