[quote=@philp123] [/quote] Well I can't really get behind the personality and I want to deny him because i'm sort of feeling worn down. But I'll give him a chance, looking at his weakness it would seem he would get weaker if he keeps using his form. "built up dimensional energy that is created when he does not use his form". I'd also appreciate it if you re read your app to make sure everything sounds right, some of it feels like you forgot to delete something or maybe you left off a part on accident, it could be that i'm just tired. [quote=@ScarlettWaters16] [/quote] I'm okay with it, personality seems a bit iffy. Is it because she can make snow she wants everyone to call her Snow Star? Anyways accepted, I may have comments about it in the future, but move your character over when you feel like it. [quote=@Scarifar] WHAT??? We can't have TWO mechanical geniuses around here! [/quote] Rin is right, I thought it might be cool to eventually have you two fight/collaborate against each other.