[quote=@TheHangedMan] David grimaced. Art, wonderful. It wasn't as if he hated the thing - in fact he loved art - but his few attempts at being artistic had to be cleaned up . . . by the police and fire department. He got up and followed Devon, seeing his/her? sullen mood. "Hey, don't sweat it man. I'm sure we'll get another chance at that sometime later. We could talk to the counselors about it as well." [/quote] The sullen teen gave a small shake of the head. "Nah, don't bother; I know how this kind of thing works. Even if I get them to agree, that other stupid jerk is just going to find some way to make sure it doesn't happen. It's no different than my classes with those other kids all the time." The young dragon let out a small puff of steam while blowing a strand of hair away from its line of sight. "Sometimes I wonder why I have to go stay with humans all the time if teacher wants me to learn anything I'm supposed to. All it does is keep me limited." Devon continued grumbling even while approaching the building. "It makes no sense to me."