[quote=Demon Shinobi] Okay I know this shouldn't be a Gripe,but... Dude... It's not batgirl... It's Robin... She's still Robin DXlol, but anyway...Yeah I had Robin with Kid Flash because they pretty much = Best Friends. Essentially. Which would mean they work well together Albeit a few jokes and what not. I wouldn't mind moving Rachel down though. I think her, Sayaka and Superboy would do well. And I think it might still be fine. or switch Sayaka... Still overall those who would know each other best would probably be KF/Robin or KF/Superboy. Not sure on how well Rachel knows Robin, but meh. [/quote] Sorry, keep thinking she's batgirl lol... Either way, than maybe move Sayaka up and KF & robin down with superboy since they all know each other? O_o [quote=Avenger] Its Robin not batgirl xDI don't really mind either way and lol. I guess they know each other? She did kiss her on the cheek after all, though it was kind of a tease XP [/quote] I know... Just keep thinking she's batgirl for some reason...