[center][i][b]Mysaren[/b][/i] [b]Location:[/b] [i]Blue Moon Tavern[/i] Mysaren locked the gate of the graveyard behind her, her shovel in her right hand. The smell of wet dirt and corpses always made Mysaren feel at home, and she knew that the smell clung to her and her clothes right now. Her bag was filled with jewelry and clothes, and as soon as she cleaned herself up a bit, she would sell it all for a pretty buck. She figured out early on that selling expensive jewelry smelling like a graveyard was a bit too suspicious for most folk. Now she just needed a place to stay. She still had a bit of money in her pockets, enough for a cheap room in some inn somewhere. A drink sounded nice too, and she did some quick math in her head. Yeah, she could afford some cheap ale. She had heard there was a tavern in the town anyways, a place called Blue Moon. If it were up to her, though, she'd never set foot near a tavern. Taverns were always filled with death, some poor bastard drinking himself under or a bar fight always about to start. The constant screaming in the back of her mind always made it hard to sleep, and always kept her on edge. But, she had no choice in the matter. She had lost her bed roll a few towns back, and she was forced to rely on inns so she at least had a roof over her head. After slipping her shovel into a ring on her belt to hide it under her robes, she wrapped the plum-colored robes tightly around her and made her way to The Blue Moon Tavern. As soon as she stepped in, something seemed off. For one, there was total silence in her mind. No awful muttering and screaming, no whispers, nothing. Not a sound that implied that anyone was going to die today. Mysaren's brow furrowed and her eyes scanned the scene in front of her, her tongue running over her teeth in a nervous manner. This was bizarre, and as much as she liked the silence, it was too weird for her. She rolled her eyes at herself though. She probably looked like an idiot standing here like this. Nothing was the matter. The place seemed well organized for an inn, clean and all of the people, while a bit tipsy, weren't loud or too obnoxious. She could get used to this. She decided to get a drink before she asked for the room, staking the place out a bit. She made her way to one of the tables in the corner and sat, her dark blue eyes watching everyone like a hawk. Someone entered right after her, a girl who looked like she just got in a fight with a bear, her clothes tattered and worn. She stifled a laugh and leaned back in the chair, digging into her messenger bag for her money. [/center]