[center][i]Naida[/i][/center] [center][b]Blue Moon Tavern[/b][/center] A ruckus could be heard outside the tavern, banging and rumbling. Suddenly, the doors to the tavern burst inward and a shower of glitter follows behind a speeding streak of blue and white. Naida skids to a stop in the middle of the tavern and looks around with a large smile on her face. "[color=00aeef]Woah! Fast start to a day huh?![/color]" she says rapidly, looking around. "[color=00aeef]Sorry I'm late![/color]" She flies over to counter, pulling on her skirt apron and giving Bernard a kiss on the cheek. "[color=00aeef]Hey Bernard baby![/color]" Her silvery blue and white hair flies about her head as some of the people at the counter begin shouting orders at her. She smiles quickly and says, "[color=00aeef]Coming right up![/color]" She whips out a drink mixer and begins to pour the orders, pouring faster than any normal bartender could go. She pushes the drinks down the bar to the customers and she grins again. Before Bernard can even ask, Naida is out at the tables, taking orders and moving faster than those other waitresses could even go. She smiles at each of the customers and gives them each her best attention. "[color=00aeef]You want an omelet? Sure! I can whip that up in a jiff. What about you, hun? A bloodied steak? Coming right up![/color]" Moving as a blur, she flits back over to the kitchen and shouts orders to the cook before turning around and smiling at Bernard again. "[color=00aeef]I think that makes up for a little of my tardiness, don't you think?[/color]" Before he can answer again, she wanders back over to the bar and looks around. She notices Historia in the corner and yells, "[color=00aeef]Hey darling! Glad to see ya here![/color]" She also notices that she's talking to a new girl and says, "[color=00aeef]Hey, girly! You look great![/color]" She turns back to Bernard and asks, "[color=00aeef]Has the demon been in yet?[/color]" She chuckles kindheartedly, thinking of Kat. She should really begin to try to get along with her, but she really can't. It's in her nature. She looks around and notices Sessamaru in a corner, hovering above the ground. She grins and, moving quietly, she walks over to him sneakily. "[color=00aeef]Hiya, Sess![/color]" she says loudly, right next to his ear.