It wasn't long before Kat saw the blue sparkles that signaled the sprite had made her appearance. She considered flagging her down and ordering food if only to annoy Naida, but decided against it. Kat was bored, but not [i]that[/i] bored. Besides, that imp would probably just spit in her food anyway. Kat raised an eyebrow when a walking, talking rat sauntered into the tavern, ordering a round for everyone present. Exchanging a glance with Hel ([i]Is this guy for real?[/i]) she shrugged. If he was paying, she wasn't gonna turn down a meal. Not that the tavern actually ever made you pay. It was the principle of the thing. She motioned to a waitress skittering back and forth through the tables and ordered a drink and a healthy plate of food. She almost spat out said drink when an [i]ogre[/i] of all things busted through the tavern door. Some dark newcomer to the tavern was already on her feet, blade drawn. [i]Well, she's a twitchy thing.[/i] This would be entertaining sure, but Kat wasn't really in the mood to watch someone get slaughtered. "Hey," she called out, still leaning casually at her table, "big guy." She gave a short whistle and raised her arm above her head, beconning the ogre towards her with two fingers. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hel looking up at her, decidedly unimpressed. She winked back at him and he just rolled his eyes with a huff. Still, his tail flicked back and forth across the tavern floor, the only sign that he tensed in case any trouble came from Kat's… socialization. "You looking for the boss?" she asked him. Gesturing with her chin at Azzrix, she continued, "That's him over there. They call him Sir Rat, the Inexterminable. He likes it when you bow and kiss his hand."