It was a strange feeling that the blue bloke had left Drubbins with. It wasn't very common that something as big as him experienced what it was like to be run down by a donkey cart, but this was a close approximation. Still, he'd told him who Da Boss was and Drubbins attention was drawn further by the pointed ringing of a bell. Good Gods, how had he not known? He should have sensed this bloke before he even came in the door, which he remembered and reached back to shut out of due respect. Da Boss typically liked the doors to his lair closed. It was then that he heard someone call for him. Not by name, but in general whenever someone called out "big guy" they were talking to him. He looked over to some dark bloke who looked like he'd been krumped but good, who pointed out the rat bloke as Da Boss. But Drubbins had been through this before. This was typical new guy hazing, and he wasn't going to fall for it "Nah." He called over to the one armed bloke. "Dat guy ain't Da Boss. He's all little an stuff, and all nobby. Not Boss at all." He said, pointing at the rat bloke. "It ain't even dat dog bloke what did da big magic just now." He called over. This was some more smart thinkin'. He was two for two today, and on a role. "Dats a trick." He said, thundering steps bringing him before the bar. He slides the bar stools aside so he can sit, eye level, with Bernard. You only has to look at him to know. The strong build, the air of stoic command, the way his subordinates obeyed with such speed and with so little prompting. "Da only Boss, da only bloke you can call Boss in da room," he said, raising one long arm to point a finger at Bernard. "Is dis bloke right here!" He smiled, having actually passed the test. "Dats right, ain't it Boss? I'm your boy from now on!"