[b][Sessamaru][/b] Sess slowly regained his senses and heard Naida continuously apologize, but he simply looked back up at her and smiled. It was a nervous smile, his hand scratching the back of his head. "It's alright, really!" He pleaded, his face blushing due to the attention. "You don't have to worry about me, Miss Naida, honest." Naida swiftly left him to take care of things for a brief moment, such as speaking to the ogre at the doorway. He chuckled, his glowing emerald eyes darting to the creature calling him a "dog bloke." Unsure what the ogre was meaning by it, Sess simply let it go, unconcerned if it was a challenge or not. His first concern was Naida, who's return alleviated his spirits. "We weren't talking about anything, Miss Naida." Sessamaru replied kindly, bowing his head. He slowly rose to his feet and noticed that Tahira was in the bar, as well. The half-breed turned to stare at Naida. "Is there anything I may help you with, Miss Naida?" He asked politely. Perhaps shirking his training for a few hours wouldn't be a bad idea; after all, he was kind of hungry after the expulsion of his own magical energy. [b][Bernard][/b] Bernard kept his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall, waiting for everything to be repaired and replaced. When Naida approached him, he simply shrugged at her proposition. After all, accidents happen... unfortunately, they were very expensive accidents. Nevertheless, he cataloged the problem in the depths of his thoughts and continued to watch the events unfold in the tavern. There, coming towards him, was an ogre. Bernard eyed him as he had everyone else who entered, just peering into the depths of his soul. A subtle nod of his head and he approached the ogre, producing a pint of ale. He pointed to the Mission Board and muttered. "Boss." Without another word, he went back to his wall and continued overlooking the tavern, ensuring nothing went out of hand. [b][Rupert][/b] Rupert felt the flux of magical energy and leaped from his seat. "Dagnabbit, Fox Boy McGee!" Rupert crowed, agitated. "If I had a pence for every time a whippersnapper like you went willy-nilly and gung-ho with magic, I'd be a filthy rich wizard with a harem of succubi!" The old wizard went on and rambled about "kids these days" and "back in my day." The flustered wizard knocked on the bar three times, which Bernard retrieved for him a rather expensive bottle of "Regulus Blue," a potent mead made with the finest honey and the richest of magic, combined with very powerful alchemical ingredients. A wizard's drink. Rupert's drink. The old codger downed the bottle in one go, ordering another with three knocks, this time taking his time. "Damned kids and their magic yeehaws, and hormonal yahoos."