Azzrix heard several people give a cheer when he said that he would buy free drinks for everyone and he smiled. This made his ego rise a bit and he felt like the center of the tavern right now. Once he got his large mug of mead Azzrix heard Kat mention him and like the messenger god he went over to her with another mug of mead to share. "Did I hear my name uttered? Hello, your name is Katelia isn't it? I would assume that you know who I am by how you just spoke my name, but do you [i]really[/i] know who I am?" asked her as he held out the extra mug for her to take it. He then noticed the ogre and whistled a bit at the sight of such a being. "You're a big one, hello my large friend. My name is Azzrix Grimmor, I am a glorious noble by day and a mysterious phantom by night. I stand before you as friend and speak the truth that friendship with a member of the noble Grimmor family is worth more than ten mountains of gold. My deeds though in shadows are above all in skill outside of my family and you will not find one as talented as I in any land. If it is a boss you're looking for then I am the one" Azzrix said to the ogre with a grin.