Kat pouted a little when her attempt at entertaining herself fell flat. Hel just huffed and flicked her in the face with his tail. Leave it to Naida to spoil her fun. [i]Guess the big lug's not as dumb as he looks,[/i] she thought to herself. [i]Still pretty dumb,[/i] she amended at seeing him practically throw himself at Bernard's feet. Old Rupert was kicking up a fuss over magic again (something to do with Sess and Naida, of course) but that's not what took Kat by surprise. No, instead it was the fact that in front of her stood the very rat she'd attempted to make mischief on, noble and proud like a champion home from war and holding a drink out to her. Kat just exchanged a look with Hel, eyebrow raised. The snow leopard's ears twitched in a sign of amusement. [i]This is what you get.[/i] Turning back to Azzrix, Kat opened her mouth to say the first thing that popped into her mind ([i]Your name is actually Sir Rat, the Inexterminable?[/i]) when Hel lifted his head and dropped its significant weight onto her lap, pinning her down to the seat. To anyone else it would just look like an act of affection from a lazy cat, but she knew the warning for what it was: [i]Don't start any shit.[/i] So instead, Kat shut her mouth into a closed-lip smile and tilted her head in a mock display of friendliness. Though Hel was preoccupied making sure his charge didn't do anything idiotic, he still watched the newcomer with his silver eyes, always wary. "Already got myself a drink on your behalf," she said, holding up her tankard. "Thanks." Gods above and below, this guy was for real, wasn't he? The corners of her mouth twitched up at the way he oh so gallantly introduced himself, calling himself the 'boss' to the ogre who'd just rebuffed him. Maybe there was still fun to be had.