100 B.C. (Before Cataclysm) The world is prosperous, people are living in peace. The world hadn’t seen a war for the past hundred years after their new seemingly-immortal king took the throne. Cities grew bigger, families doubled in numbers, farms produced triple their yearly production. The seas were filled with boats bringing in fish that had grown in size apparently over night. The world finally seemed perfect, a heaven on earth; An Eden brought upon them by the mighty gods themselves. Little did they know that their king had chosen quite the dark path to make this all happen. Now keep in mind, the king wasn’t a bad man. He was an older gentleman, looking as if he was in his late fifties, a dedicated and humble servant of his people. He listened to their needs, and he loved each and every one of them with all his heart. He had even taken it upon himself to learn most of the names of the people living in his home city; Veiron. But when his dark past came to haunt him on the tenth hour of his hundredth year, everything was plunged into a darkness that would never seem to rise. The Demons broke free from their seal in his soul, and used it as passage into the crumbling Capital. The Demons, being greedy fiends, had taken the King’s soul fifty years ahead of time. Maybe it was because he sold his soul that they were able to see his work, his plans to get rid of the Demons once and for all. Nevertheless, they had immediately stopped him. Horrors were loose in the street, rampaging through stores and homes, tearing citizens apart from the inside with an insanity and hunger nobody had ever seen in their lifetime. The King laid burnt to a crisp in his chambers, his mouth open in a silent screech of pure agony, as if he knew everything was lost. The whole city and it’s surroundings were scorched with unholy fire and even to this day nothing can grow there. Amongst the lucky few who made it out of the city alive some found that the event had marked them for life. A birthmark they’d never seen before, perhaps a scar, maybe their eyes changed color, or their skin turned black. Some of these people tried to hide their markings and did whatever they could to live on as if nothing had happened. Some embraced them, claiming that the mark would forever remind them of Veiron, and what the demons did there. The immortal king’s last order was to form a new kind of army. The warriors, a band of highly trained and skilled fighters. Soon after Veiron fell a group of strong fighters took the name and now roam free, claiming to follow the last wish of the king. They care little for the lives of the innocent, their only goal is to exterminate the demons that terrorize the land. They are the only ones known to have killed a demon. 20 A.V. (After Veiron) It’s been twenty years since the great Capital Veiron fell to the combined forces of Orcs and Demons. Humans, Elves and Beastmen live in fear, never knowing when or where the monsters will strike next. The Warriors, elite defenders - or so they say - of the once prosperous land have now taken matters into their own hands. They have erected a great fortress in Farest, from there they command their legions to battle the hellspawn and their mortal puppets. The citizens of the kingdom has had enough. Bands of mercenaries and vigilantes have sprung forth. They try to fight the demons, win the support of the commoners and bring back the once great kingdom. Some even spread rumors of a previously unknown heir to the throne. Their forces clash with The Warriors’, both believe that they alone are capable of pushing back the evil that is running amok. This story will follow a select few brave men and women who somehow survived the fall of Veiron. Since then they have scattered all over the old kingdom, taken different paths in life. But they are all connected by the marks that the great siege put on their bodies and the traumatic experience they all share. The threads of fate are still being woven as you read this. But the motif is unclear, the seers of the future and fortune cannot tell us anything. We have to write our own story. This is the IC for Mark of the Demon. If you’re here, you’ve already been chosen to help this story progress, and there is no further information needed. It’s purely up to the player what happens next. We just ask that you’re polite, post regularly, and keep your mind open and flexible for what is to come! Enjoy! - Vladhimir, Halvtand [hider=map][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs25/i/2008/066/3/0/Fantasy_Book_Map_Illustration_by_cooley.jpg[/img][/hider]