[i]What we're looking forward to?[/i] The young dragon slumped its shoulders as it sat down at a table. Now wasn't really the best time for this thought... Still, one stupid thing couldn't possibly ruin the entire camp experience, right? There had to be other things to look forward to around here. Slight frown morphing into a slightly more hopeful expression, Devon took a look at all the materials around, a little surprised at how many there were. Even if an exact concept of what exactly was wanted didn't come to mind, there had to be something in here that would be fun to work with, at least. Maybe the paints? Or the colored pencils...they did say to make a picture...oh, but cutting shapes out of the paper or maybe some fabric could still be done, right? [i]No, wait. I should go with something I know how to do for now...or I could make a box.[/i] Satisfied with the idea, Devon stood up and went off in search of just the right sized cardboard box in the sea of art supplies.