[@Guilty Spark] Just when Margaret thought her prediction about the day would true, a few things happened that spoke otherwise. At first, the one called Azzrix arrived and ordered ale. Perfect! Nothing like a glass of something mild to ease the body out of the hangover. Just as she was about to thank the rat, the light dimmed significantly in the room. Squinting, she found out it was an ogre obstructing her sun. Were it anyone else, she might have gone to complain, but with the sheer size of him and his most likely disproportionate intellect, the witch thought it wise to keep her mouth shut. Oh, and somebody unleashed the magical equivalent of a fart. Oh joy. Fortunately, Margaret wasn't as affected as one might believe. first of all, her affinity for magic was considerably lower than that of a wizard, and second was the little charm hanging around her neck. It was a silver chain with a stylized figure of a human hanging on it, with it's head replaced by a sapphire decorated with cracks that were tainted in crimson. the stone seemed to be giving off a faint glow that was diminishing slowly. Still, it wasn't anything she would like to repeat. If only because it made the bartender use that hellish bell that made her head ring for long minutes afterwards. She was soon distracted form her misery though as she was approached by someone. Looking at the source of the question, her eyes fell on a robed woman, possibly younger than herself but who could tell under that hood. Tahira, was it? She has seen - or rather not - her around the library. It sparked a little bit of interest in the witch, even if only a professional one. "Aye, it wasn't anything worth repeating. Much like most of the musical numbers around here." Margaret nodded, waving her hand to an empty chair at the table she was occupying. "But these things make wonders." she said and tucked on the charm around her neck.