Mysaren felt the burst of energy, and felt Historia's wings close around her. She was forced back into her seat, her hand slipping from her blade again from the force of it all. It all happened so fast, and her entire body shook by the end of it, her mouth held open. She had her hand on her bag, about to run, but decided to stay. Some of the commotion had finally calmed down, and the plate was set in front of her by one of the mysterious men the owner brought in. "T-thanks." She gulped to Historia. She started to nibble on her food, her hunger replaced by panic and hysteria. Yet, the screaming still hadn't started. This was past weird, and ventured into utterly terrifying. A burst of energy like that should've killed something, he knew it. One of the older folks in the tavern, hell even a gnat on the wall, but death seemed to escape this place, and it scared her. Death was natural, something that was around every corner. Mysaren was almost too well acquainted with how common death was, especially in a tavern like this, but she felt a deep worry in her chest. Something was off. She started to eat anyways, though. Maybe the lack of food recently was makin her a bit skittish. She still scarfed down the meal quickly though, not caring that anyone was watching. She was starving, utterly and truly starving, and a hot meal was happily accepted. She still needed a bath though, a bath and some nice clothes. That would make the day go a whole lot better.