Azzrix was slightly disappointed that Kat hadn't taken the mug he had offered, but she did already have one. He then heard the orge's response and even though he kept a straight face Azzrix had a vein bulging on his head. How dare this creature make his offer of help a game, if he wasn't of noble birth then he would have taken this beast's head. Even though his mind was thinking violent thoughts Azzrix still smiled at the inferior creature before him. "You're a funny one ogre, what is your name, you do have a name right?" he asked with a smile still imagining throwing a knife at him. He took sips of his mead and felt his anger calm down for a bit. He was waiting to see what kind of mission he could take to earn some money and also see if there would be a chance for him to steal from a challenging wealthy person, maybe he would also get an assassination mission. God only knows when he would get a chance to practice his assassin skills on a mission and he wondered how well the others would do on such missions. Azzrix was more interested in working with magic users, muscle was good, but he had plenty of that and anymore stealthy people would mean that he would lose the franchise, he had enough stealth. Magic on other hand he had none of and so getting a good magic user to work with him would open up a whole world of possibility and fencing magical artifacts would get him a really great amount of gold, he's heard stories about some magic guilds being loaded thanks some of them being able to make gold with their magic. Azzrix especially would love to get his hands on the alchemy formula to create gold if it existed, an infinite amount of gold would be very useful for expanding his family's influence and ambitions of his own.