[@The ghost in black] The rift opening up startled Kyo slightly, but it wasn't anything like it had been the first few times he had seen it. The first few times had surprised him enough for a few waking nightmares, but those had still been relatively short. This time, it just jolted his senses to attention a bit more, like a camera flash. Catching the ball was a bit tricky since he couldn't track the movement as easily with the rifts in space, but he somehow managed to catch it after fumbling a bit. As soon as he caught it, however, Kyo realized a huge flaw with the plan. He wouldn't be able to say anything like this. He needed his tablet to speak, but he couldn't have it out while trying to throw and catch a ball. Honestly, it bothered him a bit that he hadn't considered this problem earlier. What was he supposed to do about it now? Staring down at the ball, he bit his lip in thought as he tried to figure out how to proceed. What could he do to communicate here?