The tavern was certainly getting lively. People were bustling this way and that, mingling with each other, and Kat was just about done with all this for the day. Entertaining characters aside, she was [i]tired.[/i] Hunting in the forest all night tended to be a draining experience. Kat knew, tired as she was, any reservations she had about making smartass comments would be all but gone. And Hel could only hold her back so much. "Well," she said with an exaggerated sigh, patting Hel on his great furry head to signal it was time. "This has been a pleasure, [i]my lord[/i]," she said to Azzrix, "but I really [i]must[/i] be going." Hel got up so Kat could stand. It was time for a nice nap in the forest. She had a permanent room at the tavern, but if the magical mishap had been any indication for the day, it would be too rowdy here to get any rest. On their way out as they weaved through the crowd, Kat saw some people that made her reconsider. The Zizz was out and about, which usually meant a fun time. And Felan had just entered in his quiet way. He wasn't as lively, but Hel was fond enough of him. Kat just gave them both quick nods as she left. When they finally got outside, Hel almost immediately shoved her back through the door. A frantic horse, wild and riderless was thundering towards them. The snow leopard jumped in front of her, baring his fangs and hissing at the mare. The horse slid to a stop, tearing up her front legs with a screech. And then she was turning, dashing away from the two of them. Lowering his hackles, Hel relaxed his stance, while Kat just looked after the horse, eyebrow raised. It was then that she saw the horse's rider, flat on the ground. Glancing at Hel, she walked around her companion to squat next to the man. "Trouble with your horse?" she said slyly, A smirk making its way onto her face. Hel plodded up beside her and nudged him a bit with his nose, sniffing.