Viggo concludes his ballad and scowls for a minute at the denizens of the tavern, glancing down to find his pail of coins just as full as it had been when he began playing. He grumbles something to himself as he slings his guitar around his back, hopping off the stage and sauntering over to the bar to grab a drink, knowing that for his next song, he'd need his voice to be "well oiled". Putting down a small tower of coins harvested from his donation pail, the bard glances towards Bernard and puts on a guise of friendliness. "Bernard, you stoic son of a bitch, how about a couple of beers" he chimes with a handsome, albeit toothy grin. Assuming he gets his due alcohol, having paid the price in silver, Viggo would return to the stage, sitting down cross legged as he ploughs through the two drinks, abolishing the first in half a minute before swiftly moving onto the next. Once sufficiently drowsed by the beer, Viggo stands once more, kicking the stool backwards and out of the way. Drawing his guitar from his back once more, he adopts a wide-legged stance before he begins to pluck once more at the strings of instrument. [url=]The new song[/url] begins much like the one before, though after a few seconds the noise of his guitar shifts to become much more metallic and offensive to some ears. The powerful riffs ring out from the instrument with an energetic wave, inspiring courage and vigour in all that listen, unless of course your will is powerful enough to resist Viggo's musical charms. As the song finds its pace, Viggo begins to rock his head up and down with thumping rhythm, causing his hair to flow in time with his movements.