[center][i]Naida[/i][/center] [center][b]Blue Moon Tavern[/b][/center] "[color=00aeef]Oh, right...[/color]" she says in response to Sessamaru's answer to her previous question. She then notices Felan walk in and she smiles. "[color=00aeef]Give me one more minute, Sess.[/color]" She flits over to Felan and says, "[color=00aeef]Usual, right?[/color]" She does not wait for an answer. Instead, she flies over to the cook herself and calls for Felan's usual. She then sits at the counter and waits for a few minutes, taking drink orders at the bar, the ones that the thief so loving bought for everyone. She quickly fills their orders and then looks back to see the cook is done with Felan's order. She quickly grabs it, passes out the rest of the drinks, and flies quickly back over to Felan and sets the plate down in front of him. "[color=00aeef]Here you go, darling![/color]" she says with a gracious smile on her face. She then notices music playing for the first and she looks over to see Viggo. She sighs and rolls her eyes, walking over to him. "[color=00aeef]Hey, Viggo! What have we told you about casting spells on paying customers?[/color]" Naida yells, looking at the musician. She has not been affected by the spell because she is so used to him casting it. Also, her mermaid/faerie background makes it hard for spells to be cast on her. "[color=00aeef]You can keep playing, but take the spell off, mate. We don't need a riot just in case that spell goes wrong.[/color]" She rolls her eyes at the guy again, but she flits quickly back over to the counter, grabs him a few more beers, and sets them down next to him, hoping that he won't order anymore afterwards. If this guy got drunk... Naida shakes her head and flies back over to Sessamaru, landing lightly next to him. "[color=00aeef]Do you think that will get him to stop casting spells on customers?[/color]" she asks him with a sigh. She runs a hand over her face and says, "[color=00aeef]I don't know why he does it. He should be able to get money on his own. This tavern isn't the only place in the realm to get money. Also, casting a spell on drunk people...[/color]" She grits her teeth and shakes her head before she grins at Sessamaru. She looks out the window and sees Kat talking to a knight-looking person, one that she hasn't seen around very often. She nudges Sess and asks, "[color=00aeef]Who's that?[/color]"