[quote=@Rin] Okay, first of all as Krab keeps mentioning the Titans don't actually exist yet, so you'll need to remove all mention of them from your signup. Second... You seem to be implying he'd be a part of the Titans when everything points to him being a straight-up villain. Maybe it's because [color=fff200][b]I'm not a fan of Punisher-esque murderous "heroes", but... That's what he comes off as to me.[/b][/color] Suffice to say, the Teen Titans are [i]not[/i] going to let a guy who keeps trying to kill people stick around, and would most likely hand him over to either the authorities or psychiatric help as soon as possible. Speaking of the "Teen" part... Isn't he a bit old? Power-wise... His "keen eye" seems more like x-ray vision so I'm not sure why you didn't just call it that, but that's just nitpicky. As for Rage... What do you mean by "drain energy"? That's a bit too vague, and will need a little elaborating. Also, his personality is a bit too barebones for my liking. And "he has an extreme dark side" always rings warning bells for me, so... A bit of elaboration, even if I can gather a few things from the bio. And the "suit" picture only shows his head, so it gives absolutely no idea of what his suit actually looks like. [color=fff200][b]Finally, um... Is there any reason why the whole bio is in bolded blue? Is that some weird stylistic choice I just don't get? I'll admit this one is [i]really[/i] nitpicky but it just seems a bit... Weird to me. ^^;[/b][/color] [/quote] [color=6ecff6][b]^Old habits never die I guess. In the previous forum I was a part of, it was kind of my trademark. I make all my posts with that color. As far as the suit, I'm pretty sure you guys can imagine and create the rest for yourself. I've looked at other characters, and some of their pics cut their body's in half or shows very little of them. I personally see nothing wrong with it. I can't just simply research a picture with the same face such as this one. As far as personality, I will not elaborate due to the fact that it would defeat the purpose of story progression. You will have to see and find out for yourself of how he will turn out to be. My character is shifty and he could end up not killing people and being a valuable asset, but he could also completely go off the deep end. As far as his overall character, yes he was intended to be the Punisher type. However I revised him so he is not affiliated with the Teen Titans. That takes care of the "Older than teen" problem as well as the "Wouldn't be accepted as a Teen Titan" problem. Finally, "Keen Eye". X-ray vision sounds too cliche, and plus it is not unique. Thus forth, I have dubbed my abilities their own names. As far as the "drain energy", I'm pretty sure that's elaborate enough, but I'll elaborate anyways. That basically means that it will literally take the energy away from people, causing them to become thoroughly exhausted over time. They'll succumb to dehydration and dizziness more. Use your imagination as well as logic.[/b][/color]