Felan sat quietly at his table as he waited, looking around at the patrons inside the tavern. There were a few new faces, but most he'd seen before. The girl that stayed here often, her name escaped him, was roaming about with her leopard. Felan was impressed by the creature. He had slightly embarrassed himself upon seeing it for the first time, having assumed it was a fellow skin changer. Obviously, that was not the case. He noticed an ogre was among the people bustling around, and Felan's lip curled slightly. He didn't care much for their kind, having had not-so-good experiences with them in the past. Of course, as long as the creature didn't act up, he wouldn't purposely cross paths with him. Another patron caught his eyes: a younger man casting magic on another customer. Felan watched, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Magic was not his forte. He didn't do it, didn't like it, and typically tried to avoid it. Before long, Naida swung by to take his order. Of course he just wanted his regular; Felan was a man of habit. Soon, it was on a plate in front of him: a juicy cut of meat, cooked very rare, and a glass of ale. His large hands fumbled with the eating utensils as he attempted to cut his food up. When at home, he wouldn't even bother. But in public, Felan made an attempt to appear remotely civilized.