Historia quietly listened to the advice Miss Mysaren shared with her, noticing that Miss Claire was also in agreement. Historia smiled at the both of them cheerfully. "I don't quite believe I gave that much away." She told them. "Anybody with any knowledge of the Anemoi islands would know that's where I hail from. It's the only place that I know of where you can find my race. My name is my name, I would have to be really in trouble if I was trying to hide it. And for what else I told you, it's what happened a week ago in this very Tavern, and there's not much there to use against me, but I do appreciate the advice. There's not a lot of people here that be so kind to do that." Plus...if they really wanted dirt on Historia...well, her wings were more than enough really to a specific few. She paused a moment, wondering if perhaps anyone was looking for her. She really hadn't thought of it till now... Historia was pulled from her thoughts when Miss Claire said that it didn't seem like Historia had anything to hide and that was magical. "Ah, thank you Miss Claire." Historia told her, smiling even brighter. "But if I'm to refrain from speaking of my past, we should perhaps find something else to talk about...it'll hopefully take my mind off the music that currently playing." She told them with a hint of annoyance. Historia had no problem with the music itself. It was the spell that went with it. Not that Historia had any problems with magic either (though it wasn't till recently that she had even first got exposed to magic in general), but she didn't like for spells to be casted on her without her permission. This spell in particular made her wings twitch, like she should just get up and fly right out of the Tavern and into the wild blue yonder. Which would not have been a good plan as she did not have the funds to leave yet. "So," Historia said, pulling up her googles to rub her eyes, trying to be less annoyed as annoyance could lead to poor judgement. "Is there anything you two would like to discuss?"