[b][Bernard][/b] Bernard watched the interaction between the ratman and the ogre, remaining patient. When the ratman was eager to announce himself as the boss, he saw the gears turning slowly in Drubbin's head, turning a big red eye at him. Drubbin's chose, to what seemed like the best choice to Bernard, to stay his [i]krumpin'[/i] hand and laugh at Azzrix's [i]joke.[/i] Drubbin's, wanting to know more, asked Bernard about his [i]job[/i], indicating to the board. Bernard, wishing to remain quiet, nodded in response. He thus turned his attention to someone else, going back to his duties. [i]"Bernard, you son of a bitch, how about a couple of beers![/i] Viggo cried cheerfully, garnering the attention of the barkeep. Bernard grabbed a pail full of beer bottles, handing them to the bard. When the musician returned to his station, Bernard waited and when he did, the bard began to play a song that was, at first, generous and pleasing to the ear; until he worked the strings of his instrument with power and liveliness. Though it was amazing, the barkeep glared, sensing the magic. His stern look was locked onto the musician, tangible and overpowering. It was the kind of look that screamed experience and danger to those receiving it, and it held a gravity of its own. However, his glare swiftly died, the hard look becoming empty once more, as though staring into a far off distance... or at everything that was before him, memorizing it like a scholar lost in the most intriguing study. It was Naida's intervention that had made him stop glaring, to return to his vigilant nature. The naga was quick in exiting her room, making a quick order of six bloody steaks. He nodded to the woman as she fled the tavern, already ringing his bell to gather the chef. [b][Sessamaru][/b] Sessamaru listened to the din with a sense of content as Naida fled for a short moment, enjoying the social atmosphere. Nothing bad ever truly happened here, and it was a good thing. If only the world could work as it did at the Tavern. No one wanting to kill each other, everyone who hated each other let the other exist simply because they didn't have the mind to hurt them, and those who enjoyed each other simply remained where they were, talking up a storm that made even the Gales envious. Sessamaru watched the events transpiring in the tavern, and laughed. He overheard, by complete accident, the conversation with the ogre and the ratman, chuckling at the exchange. Azzrix, he knew, would try anything to swindle someone, and Drubbins was clever enough to escape the ratman's verbal trap. When the music began once more, Sessamaru felt [i]magic[/i] bubbling up from beneath the notes. When the introduction ended and the riffs began coming in full force, the swordmage waved a hand and severed the air before him into a vacuum, silencing the spell. Though it didn't work for the entire tavern, it proved quite taxing to prevent the spell's mood alteration on himself, due to the immense suppression of the Tavern. [i]It's like trying to lift five ton weights,[/i] he mentally groaned, falling to his bum due to a faint sensation. Naida was already yelling at Viggo for his use of magic. Sessamaru simply laughed, rubbing the back of his head. [i]No matter how powerful an enemy there is, none of them is as scary as Miss Naida![/i] he thought, his smile growing into a wide, toothy grin. It didn't take long for Naida to return from her duties, and as she curiously stared out the window, Sess rose from the ground weakly to see what was going on. [i]"Who's that?"[/i] Naida asked, pointing to the knightly gentleman. The half-breed shrugged and kept his smile. "A new friend," he told her, and the swordmage began to make his way to the door, grabbing Naida by the wrist. "Mister Bernard! I'm going to borrow Naida for a second, if that's alright!" Sess cried over the din, waving his free hand to Bernard as he wandered towards the door, with Naida in tow. When he arrived at the door, staring at Kat and the knight, Sess bowed before the man as was custom for Dearmadta. "Welcome to the Blue Moon Tavern! I'm Sessamaru, the local swordmage and a wanderer. A pleasure to meet you!" The half-breed greeted, rising from his bow. "And this is Miss Naida, a bartender and waitress here at the Blue Moon."