The ogre's broken language made it hard for Azzrix to understand, but he still managed thanks to great linguistic skills and he found the being to be intellectually boring. Azzrix gave a smile when Kat refered to him as 'my lord' it made him feel so powerful. "Have joyous day my lady" he said with a polite bow. He ordered himself another mug of mead and began to drink in the hopes feeling more joyous at the success of his thieving business. He heard the music that bard was playing and didn't find it too appealing, he would have preferred something more romantic and epic, and Azzrix was also getting a strange feeling from hearing the music, but he was still in good mood and walked over to the musician's pail and dropped in at least ten gold coins. Eventually Drubbin's broken English began to make more sense and Azzzrix was becoming tipsy. He noticed more people entering the bar and raised his mug to give an announcement. "Everyone! It is with great pleasure that I am sharing this celebration with you and hope that bright futures for all of us are to come! Now let us drink until either dream god conquers us or the death god takes us away!" he shouted and took another gulp of his mead and almost immediately afterwards he stumbled into a table knocking over a plate. He was able to right himself before he fell on the floor, but he had to use a chair as a brace to keep himself from falling over.