"Yeah!" Drubbins shouted, more at someone making a proclamation than anything. It was good to show solidarity when you were the new boy. Despite being part of several huge victory feasts in the past, one of which had cleared an entire county of booze as raiding parties kept striking out farther and farther in an effort to acquire more, Drubbins had never discovered an amount of alcohol that would force a meeting with either of those gods. It was like there was something in the air, something that inspired blokes to bold action. If he was going to be getting drink from Da Boss than he would damn well do something to earn it. With a throaty grunt he lifted himself off the the floor, giving Azzrix two big, hearty pats as he lumbered past toward that job board that Da Boss had nodded at. He solemnly swept his eyes over it, taking in all the little papers and things. He couldn't make heads or tails of this, but he had never let that stop him before. He raised up a hand and pinched one at random between the nails of his fingers before pulling it off, then turned back around to scan the room. There would be a smart boy somewhere out there. Normally you could count on a magic boy to be very smart, but the only one who'd he'd seen do magic was that dog bloke. Drubbins had a pretty commanding view of the room with his height, but he couldn't see the dog bloke anymore. Then he looked for that blue bloke who'd pointed the boss out to him, but he wasn't in here either. He could ask Da Boss, but Da Boss seemed to expect you to be able to do this yourself and he didn't want to make a bad impression to a new Boss. He supposed he could go back and ask Azzrix, but he was a funny boy and might lie to him. That had happened to him before on a new Boss, just the expected new boy hazing. Then he spotted someone at a table in the far corner. Two blokes sharing a table, one of them wearing robes which nearly always meant he was a smart type. That wasn't the only reason, of course. There were plenty of blokes wearing robes in this tavern. No, this bloke looked like Malia Burg. His first boss. He was scared it might be Malia at first, before remembering that she and her whole tower had been blown to nothing with powerful magic. Wait, this person looked a lot like Malia so maybe they were also one of those she-blokes that Malia had told him she was. Drubbins decided that, just to be safe, he wouldn't mention the word bloke around them because that used to get Malia really steamed. He wandered up to the table with as much subtlety as his size allowed, which was none, and stood possibly too close behind Tahira to be entirely comfortable. "Scuse me." he asked tentatively, holding up the paper. "Whats dis say?"