"Ah! Don't be sorry for giving me advice Miss Mysaren!" Historia told her, quickly looking up at her with a worried expression. She hopped Miss Mysaren hadn't mistaken her annoyance at the musical spell for annoyance at her. "Advice is a wonderful thing. It teaches lessons and it shows concern. I can only thank you for giving me some." Historia told her, smiling a little as she pulled down her goggles over her eyes again. Historia kind of wondered what kind of life Miss Mysaren had lead up till now for her to tell her that... "Looking to sell some things huh..." Historia continued, not dwelling on those thoughts for long. "Hmmm...Well, I've gotten to know a few merchants a little in town by doing a few delivers for them. Perhaps I could introduce you to them if that might help?" Historia suggested. She paused when Miss Claire spoke up though, surprised that Miss Claire was willing to give the name of her place of origin. Historia would try to find some information about Akontosh later. She gave Miss Claire a smile, though Historia wasn't sure if Miss Claire saw that as she was keeping her eyes on her plate. Historia also wanted to ask what Miss Claire was looking for, because perhaps she could help, but with the advice they just gave her, and the fact that Miss Claire didn't say what it was, even though she had the chance to, it was clear that she didn't feel like talking about it. "Perhaps I could show the two of you around a little? At least the commerce areas, since they're the ones I'm most familiar with at the moment. I mean, I'm not an expert of this city yet, but it would certainly be nice to walk with others." Historia told them with a smile. She had started walking more since she left home. Mostly because the skies were lonely with so few races haveing the ability to fly around. Historia let out a small laugh, "Oh dear, I just realized that you two are probably going to tell me I shouldn't go walking around with strangers now huh?"