[center][i]Naida Marcoon[/i][/center] [center][b]Blue Moon Tavern[/b][/center] Sess grabs her by her arm and yanks her out the door, heading toward the man that she had seen out the window earlier. She hears him yell to Bernard before they rush out the door. He is grabbing her wrist, to which Naida flushes. Normally Sess has a tendency not to touch people. Honestly, this was the first time that she had ever seen him do it. He drags her outside and stops in front of the man and... Kat. Naida frowns when she remembers that the she-demon was actually talking to the knight. Sess bows and introduces himself to the knight man before introducing her. Putting aside her feelings of slight rage and loathing toward Kat, she smiles at the knight. "[color=00aeef]Anything anyone needs at the bar, they come to me[/color]," Naida says with a big smile on her face. "[color=00aeef]So where you from, knight-boy? I haven't seen you around these parts before.[/color]" Since Kat is here, Naida has lost a lot of her happy energy that she used to have in the bar. Now, her silvery wings flutter nervously, going faster than her mouth had been in the bar. She grips Sess's wrist, anchoring herself to the ground through him. She knew that if she let go, she would probably wind up hovering a few yards off the ground and she did not need that right now. She tries not to grip onto his arm too hard, but she can't help that her fingernails dig into his skin slightly.