Right. Until then, enjoy my rapid updates on the map!
I forgot that our characters are human too... bathrooms anyone? I've also finished up the lab, as well as renamed a few things. There are now borders defining sectors as well, so as to not confuse people that they are indeed separate areas. I've also added in an arrow pointing off to the chow-hall, and another one to the long-distance deployment area. Oh, and labeled the (Private) training rooms Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Zelta (Zelta being Mr. Fukui's favorite word (That he made up), in case you didn't notice.)
Does anyone have any more ideas for more rooms in Sector Zelta? We need a few here and there to make things feel cozy... perhaps a big main 'entertainment' area? Along with a few more brake rooms scattered, as the sector is big. It just happens a lot of the important stuff our characters need to worry about are all clumped together in one area.
Hmm... does anyone think the rooms are too big? I mean... each room is pretty big! 20x24 meters (480 square meters), being about 1575 feet! That's bigger than most apartments. If they're to be so big... we'd have to at least say our characters up there are 'special', and when we design then ourselves, come up with multiple rooms inside of our bedrooms (Private bathrooms, kitchen, closet, ETC) probably.
Now that I'm on the track that I've actually set each pixel as a full square meter... wow, everything is HUUUUGE! Does anyone think one room or another should be resized? I think I got the lab's proportions correct, and possibly each individual changing room... but everything else seems massive in comparison.
BOOM! Surprise Edit!
I made another post IC. Ba-da-pa, ba ya-ya! I think I'll stick to 'monster posts' for awhile. But, they'll have to be paused for a bit, as the next few will have to take place after a certain amount of events to reveal the next line in his story. Unless everyone wants spoilers of course. *Looks both ways for Unraveller to say no* Did that work? Did I get his attention?