Viggo would have ignored his chastisement from Naida, continuing on with the song until its due finish. As Viggo hits the last strum of his strings, he raises his head, sweating and thoroughly worked from his playing. With his guitar still resting at his hip he notes the additional coins in his pail, grinning happily as he grabs a small cloth and wipes beads of perspiration from his brow. Walking back to the bar he takes a bottle of beer out of his "other bucket", promptly uncapping it and drinking the contents. Now a little more than tipsy, he shoots a cursory glare at Naida, moving to give her a piece of his mind on the use of magic in his playing, though before he can take a first step she's led outside by Sess. He blows a strand of hair from his face, and loops it behind his ear, sighing in exasperation. Viggo places his fingers on the neck of his guitar, absently tapping notes without making much noise. He soon begins to walk around while practising quietly, scanning the crowd for anyone he might be able to serenade a few coins out of.