Margaret was about to say something when the charm lit up again as the hair-for-brains decided it was a good time to terrorize her hungover hearing. She felt the charm actually heat up - It might be a permanent enchantment, but the trade was that it could only absorb and neutralize limited amount of magic in the given time. Just like her liver and alcohol. "Would somebody drag this circus reject out of here? My ears are going to bleed! I swear every time this individuum makes an appearance I lose a bit of my will to live!" she shout-whispered her complaint. Her anger vented somewhat, she turned back to the mage who inquired of her skill. "Oh, quite a few years. Under various masters and from various sources. I suppose that's the defining quality of witchcraft - learning on your own and largely by doing." she shrugged at Tahira's question. "It is more reliant on resources than the magic itself, which can make it rather costly at times though." She really hoped some well paying jobs would pop up soon. Speaking of which, the ogre approached their table. Apparently it... he... didn't know the written word. "That's the menu." she answered for the other whens he got a glimpse of the paper he was holding.