[quote=@vampiricchild] Alex wasn't sure what to do during lunch. He could go and join the teachers and students having lunch on the roof, which he had heard was a popular spot, but lunch time was going to be when he could expect the most students to turn up. He wasn't sure whether or not he should go or stay. He decided, after much self-debate, that he would head up the stairs and take a table. He made a makeshift sign, pointing out that he was the school counselor, and headed up to the roof, sitting at a table with the sign on the table in front of him as he began eating. [/quote] Julia finished eating and noticed the person with the school counselor sign. She stood up, threw away her trash, and decide to talk to the new staff member. She walked to his table and stood in front of it. "Hi, am I bothering you? If I am, I can go. I just saw your sign, you must be the new counselor, eh? Welcome to Ikebukuro University."