[center][hider=Jason Espinoza] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/266/c/b/mondaiji_tachi_ga_isekai____light_novel_by_kjmarkely-d71zpfr.png[/img] [/hider] The day had started off cool enough, he supposed. ______ Jason woke up, his eyes foggy and hazy as he released a loud, powerful yawn that possessed the strength of one-hundred lazy assholes. Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, the boy glanced around his mundane apartment with an apathetic look, the thought of fully waking up not registering fully in his sleepy mind. The alarm clock beside him abruptly ruined any thoughts of additional sleep, when it started blaring it's annoying ass ring-tone at an extremely high volume - a bunch of kids singing 'Get ready to explore, there's so much to find, Little Ei-'around that time, he had merely shoved the alarm clock with his elbow - which had the additional effect of a tiny sliver of Kinetic power going into it's circuits, and causing it to explode in a hail of fire, electricity, and shrapnel. "Fuck!" Jason cursed loudly, rolling out of bed and landing on the opposite side as the frag-alarm-bomb pelted his room with heated plastic and sharp bits of metal. A thin sliver had managed to slice a small, yet deep cut along his cheek - blood didn't flow, due to his Kinetic Energy immediately settling on that specific injury and accelerating the healing of it's dead, slain cells. When the cut healed - which took a few seconds - Jason slowly stood up, sighing as his bones popped into realignment from a night of restless sleep. "On to the daily grind." He headed towards the bathroom, flipping his white and orange earphones onto his neck as he went by - while also grabbing his uPhone - a slim, expensive white futuristic phone that held years of obnoxiously loud rock music. As some edgy song called 'Bodies by Drowning Pool' played, causing him to nod his head with the obnoxious, yet catchy beat, Jason kicked open his bathroom door and headed towards the sink. The mirror above the sink was cracked from him once falling asleep against it, but he could clearly see his appearance; yep, there was him. A regular teenage boy with a lot of blonde hair, purple eyes, and a smirk, nodding a beat to some random rock song. Running a hand through his messy locks, Jason shrugged and slipped his headphones over his head and onto his ears. A minute later, he had the shower blasting. Good thing his headphones were water and shampoo proof. After twenty minutes of this - who said that he couldn't enjoy a shower? - Jason exited the shower and picked up the clothes he had left on the 'clean clothing' hamper, right next to the tub. A slim yellow shirt with a black design somewhere near the bottom, along with a black blazer with light amethyst buttons - buttoned once in the middle - and slim jeans and sneakers. Regular, casual wear; who said that he needed a mask to beat the ass of criminals, which had become his daily job? Not to mention that he looted their bleeding and broken bodies afterwards...but eh, they would spend the rest of their lives in the hospital, not like they needed the money. Jason was whistling along to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBr7kECsjcQ]Centuries[/url], when faint screams from the outside world alerted him to something happening. His music was very, very loud, audible even outside of his headphones, so it wasn't a surprise that the screams had eluded him for so long. Slowly, he drew the blinds... [u][b]Remember me...[/b][/u] A large, floating attack craft greeted him. A group of weird, alien-like creatures abruptly turned from where they were shooting at cops with lasers, and gestured at his window. Jason's eyes widened, and his smirk grew. With casual ease, he kicked out his window, hands in pockets as he took a casual step onto his balcony. [u][b]For Centuries...[/b][/u] They shot their lasers, and he literally disappeared, the sound barrier breaking behind him with an audible, extremely loud boom that practically destroyed the upper part of his apartment complex. He was always wreckless. His blurring body, glowing purple, orange, and yellow, slammed against the attack craft. He exploded. That attack craft exploded The the aliens inside screamed as they exploded. As Jason landed lightly on his feet, his hands in his pockets, he glanced around with half-lidded eyes, noting that civilians were staring at him in fear as the attack craft fell behind him in an explosion of Kinetic Energy and fire. Jason took his hands out of his pockets...and cracked them. "This is gonna be fun." The ground underneath him exploded into huge chunks of stone as he blasted high into the sky, his purple-glowing form blasting into an attack craft that was releasing aliens. He landed on the hull, and with one punch, exploded the thing in wild purple energy. The blast sent him flying, but he was completely unharmed, energy crackling off of his form as he landed, hard, against a third attack drone, purple energy blasting from his feet as he leaped off of the craft. Time seemed to warp behind him as the force from his leap and the energy from his body was released into the craft, sending him flying higher into the air, where he tackled yet another ship out of the sky - his comparably small form shining purple and yellow like a beacon. Underneath him, the destroyed attack drone slammed against a large group of aliens, exploding in a fiery eruption, and annihilating them instantly.[/center]