"Wait...I didn't even say I was going on a Pilgrimage or anything..." Isabeau sighed, shaking her head, "I don't even know any of you!" After a moment "Tch, if you want to follow me around, do what you want. Just don't be annoying or get in my way!" Gippal raised an eyebrow." Fayths randomly appear, slight chance on sin being back or something worse you are the next smummoner." He lifts his hands kinda making a no brainer movement. "Something's up in the world and you might be stuck in the middle of it so Pilgrimage or not you might need protection." He started walking ahead and said, "Besides you were the one who was complaining about being alone against the fiends." He looked at her by turning his head. " Sorry for offering my services. If you excuse us we have a boat to catch.im sure you don't want to be left on Besaid by yourself. " He looked at Urick before jogging off ahead. He dreamed of doing this... Just with someone with less attitude. Soon they were all at the ship, Gippal looked round for Alex and when he found her lying down onthe deck he came over to her and asked," You eh, alright? And please don't give me the usual "I'm fine" huff and go jump off a cliff Cotten head routine. Have the headaches gotten worse?" He said with folded arms. As he looked to the others on the ship.