Min-Jun stood and glared at all the countries in the room. [Color=cyan] " I don't have a partner yet ,so anyone willing to form an alliance with a country like me just ask." [/color] He was about to sit down until he herd someone speak poison through their mouth. Min-Jun didn't like it when one of the countries shouted profanity out towards Russia while he was defenseless. Attacking someone while they're at their weakest was a sign of true cowardness and Min-Jun wasn't to fond of someone who shows disrespect to a persons honor. Even though Min-Jun didn't like Russia that much , he had to at least stick up for the guy. [Color=cyan] " Who ever called Alexi a suck up is a true coward! Picking on a man while he's weakened is the greatest sign of cowardence." [/Color] Min-Jun hated speaking like that. It made him sound like China giving one of his life lesson speeches. But none the less he couldn't help it , literature is very admired by him and his siblings.