Li couldn't help but crack a smile. For as much as Jun seemed to hate him the two really did have a lot in common, it was a real shame he didn't want to join their little group. Still, the whole classroom situation had gotten a little out of hand. The first order of business would be to marshal his classmates, the rest of the 'dictator group', over to their own little area so as not to mix them with the obviously volatile ideologies of the other students. [color=007236]"Perhaps the three of us should relocate? it looks like there's better territory on that side of the classroom."[/color] Li motioned with his hand, making sure Katinka most of all got a good view of the area he was pointing at. The girl always did have a weakness for imperialistic expansion and would likely jump on the opportunity to 'claim new territory'.

This done Li began trying to mend whatever bridges had just recently been burned. Moving over to Jun, the taller male nudged him gently towards Ada and Maeve, addressing the two females as they approached. [color=007236]"My friend Jun seems to be without a group, perhaps you wouldn't mind taking him in?"[/color] Again, the coldness in Li's speech and expressions was shocking, eerie almost, but it was something he really couldn't help. He was actually a nice guy. He swore. 

As for the teacher, well, the man's interest in the class seemed to be waning by the second. The sooner Li got everyone working on their respective group-building projects the better. Obviously the teacher was no longer interested in actually doing his job so someone was going to have to step up. With the worksheets dispensed Li regretfully moved himself back over to the 'dictator' corner. He was regretful because he wasn't able to make a good first impression on the majority of the people in their class, at least, that was how he viewed it. Still, there would be time for damage control later; as Confucius once said, "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." He would apply this philosophy directly to his actions and seek to continue courting the favor of the other countries later.

As for the 'dictator' group's endeavors in their group project, well, things didn't exactly go as planned. Although he, Katinka, and Alexei were principally all of the same mind the methods by which they engaged the activities presented were radically different and therefore a number of humorously bungled attempts at solving the three puzzles were launched and ultimately, through a great deal of difficulty and whispered bickering, completed.