It was a little before noon that the pair made it back to town. It took them a few minutes more to make it to the tavern and inn on Main St., which was simply but definitively named “Main St. Tavern and Inn.” Unlike the Harbor Trading Company, it was a cozy looking establishment with worn but sturdy wooden construction. It seemed Chad and Lyra were the first to arrive, so Chad flagged down a waitress to seat them at one of the larger tables and ordered two ales. Chad had little else to do besides wait. Lyra had pulled out a book and started reading, and nobody had yet arrived, so the merchant went over the information he’d collected from the derelict facility in his mind. After examining the first building, which turned out to be a hangar with two airframes, they moved on to the second building. It was much more secure than the first, and they were only able to access the building by accidentally shearing off an entire wall in the process of breaking down its front door. The building turned out to be a maintenance building filled with parts and equipment; because they weren’t exposed to the environment, they seemed to be in relatively good working order. Chad and Lyra both agreed that Moko could probably make good work with the things in the building, so the problem of finding and fixing up an airship was solved. The only remaining issue was to find a suitable launch, but that issue could saved for later. Additionally, the issue regarding his ship was already solved as well. He would leave the care and command of the [i]Laurentine Castle[/i] to his first mate, who would continue the remainder of the voyage before returning to their home port in Illiserev. In the event that Chad would not make it back within six months’ time, the vessel was to be put in dry-dock and the Mauritania Company be contacted for further instructions. Chad’s attention turned back to the tavern when he heard the jingling of the tavern’s doorbell.