[hider=Tony Hart] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.simondonne.co.uk/images/man-in-glasses.png[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Former nationality:[/b] American [b]Personality:[/b] Tony is a kind, and social man. The most prominent characteristic of Tony is his intelligence. To put it bluntly, he is a genius. Hart was what people would call he photographic memory, which means he can recall almost everything he has ever witnessed, or learned. Tony used this memory of his to learn a vast amount of knowledge. He is probably one I the smartest men alive on what is left of the earth. [b]Survival:[/b] Tony was a college professor at Harvard University during the time that Adamantite was discovered. Realizing the potential it had, he began researching it. His studies led him to Haven, where he and a group of scientists intensely studied it. When the aliens attacked, Tony was behind the scenes, helping to find weaknesses in the aliens. During this time he also studied magic, and realized how to use it in himself. Hart was mystified by his telekinesis, it broke pretty much every scientific law he had studied so much. When the aliens were defeated, Tony still stayed in Haven, continuing his research on Adamantite, Magic, and Alien Tech. [b]Goals:[/b] Professor Hart wishes to further his knowledge of the new world he lives in, and help mankind reach a more stable future. [b]Skill-set:[/b] Chemist/Professor [b]Magic Affinity:[/b] Telekinesis [/hider] Edited