[b]Name[/b] Beatrix Heilmeier (Trix for short) [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/saviorfaire/images/a/ab/2314368-640x786_5309_mechanic_girl_2d_illustration_girl_woman_anime_picture_image_digital_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140209173640[/img] [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Former nationality[/b] German [b]Personality[/b] Trix can be a very odd girl. She goes through mood swings quite frequently. First glance she can be a cheerful, hyperactive cutesy girl, then in a blink she will switch to violent, aggressive and sometimes cruel. Trix is a tough gal with a thick German accent and maybe a tad trigger happy. [b]Survival[/b] She hid for most of the invasion with her Father before we went missing. [b]Goals[/b] Trix wants to invent something that will help humanity not have to depend on Adamantite anymore, and of course survive long enough to do it. [b]Skill-set[/b] Trix is a fairly good mechanic. She also is a great scavenger, finding metal, parts and other things to use in her workshop. [b]Magic Affinity[/b] Trix can create electricity, not alot, but its enough to power small appliances. Anything bigger then a large stereo and she won't be able to power it, and it will weaken her severely. When she is able to power something, she must be touching it and sending a current to it for it to work. e.g When she is using a drill, she must be holding it for it to work. [b]Other[/b] Trix lives outside of the Haven, inside a run down Petrol Station/Dump yard/Workshop. During the invasion, Her father, inbetween hiding, would teach young mechanic's so they could then help with the fighting. When he went missing and was presumed dead, Trix became a little erratic, and developed violent tendencies, also became kind of a hermit and rarely left her workshop. She spent the rest of her time, up until now, collecting scraps and creating machines.