[color=82ca9d]"Well well... That bat doesn't seem to be ordinary."[/color] Juno Bernstein swung her legs in a carefree way on her seat, seemingly oblivious that a wrong move would topple her off her rooftop seat and down to the pavement below. The reddish steel gauntlet on her left hand stood out rather conspicuously against her quality suit, complete with a real hand-tied tie tucked carefully in the jacket; none of that clip on thing for her. She wondered briefly if she should have brought a telescope instead of a binocular instead, as her left eye was naught but an empty socket. [color=f6989d]"HOW CAN YOU TELL?"[/color] She took off the binocular, and looked at her left hand, the green eye on the back of the gauntlet staring at her as she did the same. [color=82ca9d]"The way she moves, what she wears, and how she carries herself. Everyone has many different tells. Thats how I can see which one's worth filching off."[/color] [color=f6989d]"YOU ARE SMART. NOW WE'RE HUNGRY. WE EAT."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Yeah, yeah, stave it off with this. We'll get some food after we get a good mark,"[/color] She shoved a snack bar into her left palm, watching as a maw suddenly appeared and started crunching on the bar. As the taste of chocolate flooded her mouth, she resumed her vigil on top of the roof. Juno knows where the bat lives, and it would be a simple matter to find which floor and number as well. The lost relative trick always works. But she would need her tools for that sort of heist, and today she was looking for a simple mark, a target to swipe money off and run. It was a bit tight this month, the mafia was cracking down on rivals now, and while normally that wouldn't concern someone who stuck to doing small crime, one of the local bosses was getting a bit overzealous. The shadows were getting a bit hotter too now that there was apparently some hotshot cuffers looking to jump badges. How's an honest thief going to make it through the month without starving with all these happening? Just then she spotted a couple, a very well to do looking couple moving to where she knows was an alley, a shortcut out of the crowd. Which also means those two weren't average joes, since civilians don't usually go through that shortcut. [color=82ca9d]"I'm thinking that's a bodyguard and someone's rich wife. Marionette?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"I'M THINKING OF STEAK."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"That's the spirit."[/color] Swiftly wrapping up her left hand in bandages, Juno moved silently through the rooftops to intercept them. Should be easy money for dinner.