Ash walks up the crimson bar, setting a twenty down on its chipped wooden surface--next to a woman with bandaged hands "Are you okay?" Ash asks her with a concerned frown, before she's interrupted by a waitress. "Oh, sorry," Ash responds to the woman behind the counter, before listing off her order "May I have five baskets of chicken tenders, and uh..." Ash pauses "An extra rare hamburger? With a basket of fries? Pretty please?" she asks, finishing her order. The Dagonian waitress takes Ash's money, crumpling it, and shoving it into her apron, she then rummages around in the same pocket she had put the twenty in, pulling out a five. Ash takes her change, and manages to situate her Gigan rear on a seat, a seat away from the strange woman. 'What's wrong with her hands? does she have a parasite?' she asks herself, to which a rather silent voice in her head responds '...maybe...' before it disperses all together, fading away into the milky cauldron of her mind. Ash looks at the strange woman, then back to Gale, running her fingers through her hair with a worried frown, until her order is set down behind her. "Goody!" she exclaims, scooping up the food in her palms, carrying it over to Gale with a giddy smile. "I got the food!" she says, handing Gale her burger.