Jane's attention was shifted from her tea to the door as the stupid silver bell rang. "Oh hey, more people. We should go talk to them!" Jane said, eyeing the two new people with interest. A Gigan and a Feral, both carrying weapons. An odd duo to say the least. For some reason her first thought was that they were lovers, but it was probably at least a little more innocent than that. Probably. She sipped on her tea silently as the two girls conversed. The small bat gal gave the gentle giant some cash and went to find the both of them a seat. Way in the back, of course. It seemed she didn't wan't to converse. Luckily, the more social of the two returned, food in hand. [color=f26522]"We should go talk to them. They seem interesting."[/color] Jane said, polishing off her tea. [color=f26522]"By the way, you likin' this drink?"[/color] [color=FFE5B4]"The tea's fine, I guess. A little bitter, anyways, can we maybe not talk to whoever you're talking about?"[/color] Franky replied, obviously not a fan of talking. [color=f26522]"Oh c'mon, you don't even have to speak!"[/color] She whined, getting up and placing some money on the table. Franky sighed in annoyance and submission, before saying [color=FFE5B4]"Can we at least get some grub first?[/color] [color=f26522]"Sure, we can eat it while we talk to them."[/color] A minute or two later the girl made her way to the only other occupied table in that diner with noodles of some kind, along with more tea. [color=f26522]"Hi. Hope I'm not interrupting, but may I join you two? You're kinda the only two people to talk to that's not one of the staff."[/color] She said, taking Franky's advice and not drawing attention to her parasite. She noticed the bat girl had a different order than before, some rice, and was tearing into it vigorously.