Scott and Liam walked out of one the many buildings that made up the Black Egret HQ, Scott still trying to convince Liam of the "great idea" that he had come up with. "I'm telling you, think of the benefits if we do this," Scott said. "You're still going on about that? I told you I'm not getting involved. How did you even get this information, anyway?" Liam replied. "You know that one chick in Strategic Intelligence? With the red hair and glasses." "Her? Dude, she's infamous for telling wild stories just to gain attention. How do you know she's telling the truth?" "'Cause I promised her that we'd go on a date. No way a girl like that would give false information with that kind of a deal. Now I just got to think up an excuse of why I can't go." "Dude, you're not standing her up. I know you. You're going to go anyway, even if you have a horrible time. You'd never be cold enough to stand a girl up. But we're getting off topic here. Finding the Skull Heart? That's way out of our league." "Shh, man. We don't want anyone else getting in on this. Anyway, we've dealt with stuff way out of our league before." The two entered a taxi and had the driver take them Liam's favorite diner, located all the way out in Little Innsmouth. "Gaining the courage to ask a perfect ten out, is a lot different then taking on a monster, Scott. And for nothing but a promotion?" "Fine, if you won't do it for the promotion, then do it for the kingdom. How many lives do you think will be lost if we don't find it, Liam? Heck man, if not for the kingdom, then do it for your family." The two Black Egret troops sat in silence for the rest of the trip. When the car finally stopped at the diner, Liam opened the door, stepped out, stopped, and turned to Scott. "Alright, I'll do it. What's the first step?" Liam said. "First things first, Liam," Scott said as he exited the cab as well. "Food!" he shouted, pointing at the entrance of the diner. The two soldiers entered the diner, taking a seat at a table not too far from where three young girls; a human, a feral, and a gigan; were sitting. For the most part, Liam and Scott were still in uniform, minus their helmets which were strapped to their belts, so anyone could take one look at them and know who they worked for.