[quote=@OneEyedChurro] Done! [hider=Prince] [b]Given Name[/b] -the Prince does not know his former name, nor if "Prince" was even his former title. Rather, "Prince of Lies" was what he was called by a mysterious being he encountered in this world that he's taken to since calling Tomb; a being that seemed to know more about Prince than he did, himself. While the Prince of Lies uses the long moniker as something of a name, he will oft simply introduce himself as Prince. [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=the Prince of Lies][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F69M0Yw.png?1[/img][/center][/hider] The Prince is a handsome and young looking man- another facet of his that has led him to believe that he was royalty in his previous life, or something close. His ragged robes still have an air of grandiose to their faded purple color, and his thin breastplate seems to have a more aesthetics or ceremonial intended purpose rather than anything practical. His hair is long and blonde, and seems to have been styled many times in whatever previous era he came from. While it has since been muddled and messed many times, it still retains its princely look. Deep set brown eyes and an arrow-like face complete his prim and charismatic complexion, complementing the lean a toned muscle the Prince has garnered both in past life and new. [b]Equipment[/b] - [b]a blade[/b], much longer than it seems it was supposed to be, for it is weighted rather oddly and the Prince sometimes has trouble handling it. Its hilt is as imposing as its wielder, charred and golden and turning at various angles. Other than this, it is a fairly mundane weapon. - [b]the Prince's pack[/b] contains his various other items that he has needed to survive- a small journal and pen, some basic foodstuffs (That often don't sit well in his stomach), and oil for his lantern. There are various other bits and bobbles that he has gathered during his travels more as keepsakes than anything that could be useful. - [b]an oil lantern[/b], heavy and seemingly made of iron. The Prince has to keep it filled with oil to keep its light bright, but even burning on the residual oils when relatively empty it emits a very faint glow. [b]Memories[/b] [i]I am kneeling in front of a throne, on which there is no one seated. A man is in front of me; he looks like me, though his hair and beard are grey. He wears a crown, and looks displeased.[/i] [i]I stand on a stage, feelings of accomplishment and glory being eaten at by fear and dread. An astonished looking crowd stands before me. My hands are shaking[/i] [i]Again, I am kneeling, though this time over a chopping block. Someone is speaking, but I cannot understand them.[/i] [b]Awakening[/b] A cool breeze brushed the shoulders of the young man, sending his tousled blonde hair in all directions and opening crusted brown eyes. The young man rose to a knee and wiped his face with a glove hand- [I]Where was he? [b]Who[/b] was he?[/i] He glanced down at himself, and at his robes. They were purple- or at least used to be purple. It was only when he stood did he realize the oddly heavy sword strapped to his hip. Its weight seemed strange, for it certainly did not appear to be as heavy as it was. It had a golden hilt, now charred, but still oddly pretty. The young man tucked his hair behind his ears and pulled his robes tighter around him. It was cold, and very barren. The ground was black as ash, and left a crusty residue on his boots when he took a step. It certainly [i]seemed[/i] like he was outside, but glancing up he could [i]almost[/i] make out something above him akin to a ceiling, as if he was at the bottom of some magnificently big chasm. Perhaps he was at the bottom of a great canyon, or in the maws of a massive cave? Whatever the case, he continued moving- unsure of exactly where he was going. Eventually, he saw it. On the horizon, a massive blackened castle, as dark as the ground beneath him. It seemed to be made of stone, but reflected what light there was like metal. The man continued on a journey towards this complex- only to make an odd discovery. No matter how far he walked, how hard he tried to reach it, the castle was [i]always[/i] on the horizon. Regardless, the young man continued to move towards it. It gave him purpose. It gave him cause. [/hider] [/quote] A fine character who is also accepted! Add him to the list when ready.